
I’m the next generation in a family business.
Can I handle taking over from my parents?

Taking over the reins of a family business can be daunting. No doubt you are questioning not only if you should, but how.

Stepping into the role of business owner, whether you’ve worked in the business your whole life or are returning from a career of your own, comes with responsibility and expectations. For many people in your position, it’s the lack of clarity that drives them to look for answers outside the family unit. They look for external support to guide them in the right direction to make the decisions that work best for them.

Owner Manager Program is designed to give business owners the tools, applications and advice needed to build the business and life they want. OMP is highly practical, comprehensive and results-driven. The facilitators and presenters have all been-there-done-that and provide you with one-on-one advice that is tailored to your unique situation.

OMP is not a theoretical course, nor is it a do-it-yourself online course where you’re left to apply the content yourself.  

OMP is designed to give you the framework to make business and life changes, along with the confidence and connections to create the future you want – on your terms.

Want to know whether you can take over the family business? The answer is – YES – with the right tools, knowledge, and support.

Owner Manager Program can give you what you need…

OMP gives business owners clarity
OMP is a catalyst for change
OMP has a positive impact on business owners wellbeing

Family Business Owners who have completed the OMP...

Owner Manager Program Snap Shot

  • Completed by over 280 Business Owners
  • Designed for Owners of mid-sized businesses
    ($3m – $10m annual revenue)
  • Over 20 subject-matter expert presenters
  • Residential program hosted in luxury accommodation
  • 3-day blocks held over five consecutive months
  • Small program groups (12-20 people)
  • Engaging and practical learning format
  • No exams, just results

Have questions?
Check out our Frequently Asked Questions
all about the Owner Manager Program

How does Owner Manager Program help family business owners transition from one generation to the next?

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Alumni Stories | Owner Manager Program

Over 280 business owners have completed the Australian Owner Manager Program, many of them family businesses. Below is some feedback from alumni in family businesses who have completed the program.

Matt McGuire | McGuire Hotels

David & Prue Pring | Post Form Laminating
Kendall Tait | Tait Motors

Let's chat

The best way to know if the Owner Manager Program is right for you, is to have a chat with Program Director, Rob Douglas. 

You can schedule a call via the link below or drop Rob an email to book a time that suits you. 

E | rob.douglas@ownermanager.com.au

Fast links to more information:

  • Download Owner Manager Program More Information 
  • View Frequently Asked Questions
  • View Owner Manager Program Brochure
  • Alumni Stories
  • Request a registration form
Rob Douglas | Australian Owner Manager