Building Stronger Family Businesses

Over the years, many family-owned businesses have benefited from the Owner Manager Program and OM Leadership Program. Our exclusive programs give family business owners the tools, application, and connections to effect immediate change that will propel their business and personal life forward. The Owner Manager Programs are perfect for next-generation owners taking greater control of family business. 

Australian Owner Manager has partnered with Family Business Association (FBA) so that together we can continue to support Family Business to grow stronger, be more agile and gain clarity for the future.

FBA is recognised as the pre-eminent organisation representing the needs of family-owned businesses in Australia. For 20 years FBA has been successfully helping family businesses to harness their unique competitive advantage.

Family Business Association
We're excited about the future.
[OMP has] reinvigorated our passion in a very traditional, old, family business.
Amanda Innes Saddlery Trading
Amanda Innes | Saddlery Trading
FBA Member & OMP Alumni

The Owner Manager Program is Australia’s leading program for owners of private businesses looking for personal and business growth.

The Small Business Owner Program is designed specifically to develop the personal, business, management, and operational capability of small business owners.

The OM Leadership Program is Australia’s only leadership program specifically designed for managers in privately-owned businesses.

OM Masterclasses and Short Courses will revolutionise how you understand critical business fundamentals. Topics include People & Culture, Marketing, Finance and more…

OMP has given me the confidence to run a business of this size...

Marco Bianchi of Eurofurn, along with his brother, Riccardo have both completed the OMP. 

Their family-owned business, Eurofurn has been tailoring furniture and joinery for B2B type applications for over 20 years.

Take a listen to Marco explain how the Owner Manager Program has boosted his confidence as a business owner.

It’s time to build the business and life YOU want.

Now is the perfect time for business owners to step back, reflect, adapt, and build a better business in a changing world. The Owner Manager Program is designed to help you do just that.

The program will guide you to become the owner you want to be and continue to develop the business that you own. The clarity, confidence, and connections will change you and your business.

“Decades of experience has shown us that if we can challenge an owner to reflect, change, and improve, we arm them with greater clarity, confidence, skills, and connections to move their business forward. We take great care to connect a diverse group of business owners from a range of different industries that are looking to improve themselves and their business.”

In fact, all our programs are designed to assist owner managers in family businesses to thrive, whether that be with OMP, or sending your leaders on OML, or attending one of our Masterclasses so that you can build greater value and more productive teams within your business. 

Feel free to schedule a call with me to discuss which program would suit you and your situation best.

Rob Douglas | Executive Director

We're excited about the future...

Wroxton and Amanda Innes of Saddlery Trading Company (FBA members), have both separately completed the Owner Manager Program. In this raw interview with them both, they share how the OMP has impacted their business. Wroxton explains how it’s exciting and scary when the “blinkers come off” and you can see everything clearly in your business. Amanda is excited about the future and seeing things work. 

Take a moment to hear how this very traditional, old, family business has been reinvigorated….