2024 Owner Manager Programs

Final Programs remaining for 2024:

QLD Owner Manager Program | Starts OCT 2024

Owner Manager Program for Business Owners

OMP Alumni

Joel Diss, owner of business Fitout Glass and Aluminium and Australian Owner Manager Program alumni

Markets have changed and this affects each and every business across Australia, and the world. Whether you're struggling with growth, transition, supply chain, or staff, your business needs to be able to adapt...

The 2024 Owner Manager Program is the perfect way to step back and rethink the way you approach your business.

The Owner Manager Program is a comprehensive, face-to-face residential development program designed exclusively for owners of mid-sized businesses with revenue between $3m and $100m. It has been tested and refined for over a decade, with a 100% satisfaction rate.

An intensive eight month program, including five x three-day monthly face-to-face workshops and a one day recall. Business owners are challenged by 15-20 peers and 30+ mentors, facilitators, subject experts and coaches across a broad range of targeted business areas.

Join hundreds of alumni to become a better owner and drive real business change.

Sceptical? Others were too!

OMP Impact

Impact of OMP on revenue growth
Impact of OMP on profit
Impact of OMP on employee growth
Impact of OMP on business expansion

OMP is for...

The Owner Manager Program is for owners who…

  • want greater clarity, and direction in changing markets.
  • need tools to find, manage and retain great staff.
  • are exploring exit or succession options.
  • ready to move out of the day-to-day and focus more on the business.
  • work long hours and want better work-life balance.
  • feel isolated and would like a strong network with similar business owners.
  • are bored, tired or stagnant at times.
  • are next generation owners taking over the family business.
  • like continual improvement and want to be challenged and motivated.

The programs are held in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne with limited places.

2024 places are now open. Click the link to receive more information about this life-changing program for business owners. 

Susan Cottrell, owner of business Body Refinery and Australian Owner Manager Program

About the Owner Manager Program

"I don't have time for a course"

This ISN’T like any other program or business group…

With a 100% satisfaction rate, get ready for real results. This program is exclusively for owners of mid-sized businesses with revenue between $3m and $100m and led by genuine experts. Our approach is unique… expect to be challenged and developed in ways you weren’t expecting. This program is practical and creates targeted engagement for every single participant.

OMP focuses on YOU, your business and your role in the business. Prepare to increase your capability and capacity, while helping shift your mindset, so you can move your business forward. Maintain this amidst whatever is happening in the world around you.

OMP is life-changing

OMP gives business owners clarity
OMP has a positive impact on business owners wellbeing
OMP is a catalyst for change

Our alumni say…

“I know where I’m heading now. I’ve got direction. I’m a new person. I have never in my life said something was life-changing – but the Owner Manager Program was life-changing for me.”
– Adrian Connors, NE Food Group


“Within a couple of hours of sitting down, I thought ‘Strap yourself in, this is going to be really good’.”
– Craig Percival, Woollam Constructions


“You have access to all the people that could make a difference in your decision-making at your fingertips, even beyond the program. They taught me where I needed to go and what I needed to do.”
– Joanne Payne, Sequel Drill & Blast

Jill Reilly, owner of business Feeling Well Pty Ltd and Australian Owner Manager Program

OMP Outcomes


  • New skills, techniques and frameworks.
  • Improved life-work balance.
  • New approach to your mental and physical health.
  • Confidence, motivation and enhanced leadership.


  • Progressive plans in place for you and your business.
  • Be developed through your facilitators, external experts and fellow business owners.
  • Tangible application throughout the modules.
  • Discover new opportunities for greater results.


  • Clear business growth or transition actions.
  • Critiqued by leading business experts.
  • Better awareness of what drives growth and how to analyse your business to solve problems.
  • Become a business of international quality.
  • Clear future outlook and understanding of yourself as a leader of the business.


  • A strong network of other successful business owners, facilitators and business experts.
  • Access to the alumni network, including resources, events and networking opportunities.

Alumni Stories

Over 280 business owners have completed the Australian Owner Manager Program while more than 1000 have completed a similar program in New Zealand. Each program is reviewed adapted and changed based on participant feedback and changes in the business environment.

The program has an NPS score averaging 93. Below is some feedback from alumni who have completed the program.

Who is it for?

I am a
Successful Business Owner
I need to
the business in some way
I want
Clarity, Confidence and Motivation
I want to
Learn and Grow Myself
and the business
I feel isolated and want to know
Where to Next
for my business
I work
Long Hours
and have poor life/work balance
I want to spend
More time working ON the business
rather than in it
I see
Greater Potential
and opportunity for my business
I need to
Lead Well and Keep My Team
engaged and successful

Presenters & Guest Speakers

Subject experts deliver practical development with real-life business experience. You will be actively engaged with as you receive their practical approach to their respective areas of expertise. Guest speakers share lessons in an intimate environment.

Business Presenters and Guest Speakers for Australian Owner Manager Program

Past guest speakers

Bill and Lorna Jane Clarkson
Founders, Lorna Jane

Steve Baxter
The Shark Tank and Founder Pipe Networks

Graham Turner
Founder, Flight Centre

Brett Clark
co-Founder, Chemist Warehouse

Tom McKaskill
Dr Exit

Tim Forrester
Managing Director, ARIA Property Group

Michael Fredericks
Founder, onthehouse, Fupay

Chris Robinson
Past CEO and co-owner, Amart Allsports

Ross Burling
Director, Stahmann Webster

Wez Bryett 
co-Founder and co-CEO, Princess Polly

Got questions?

Head on over to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for answers to almost all the questions you might have. Prefer to speak to someone? Get in touch with our program director, Rob Douglas who is happy to answer any questions and discuss whether the OMP is right for you. 

Become the business owner you want to be.
Build the business you want to own.

The program helps you step back, reflect, adapt and build a better business in a changing world. 

The program will guide you to become the owner you want to be and continue to develop the business that you own. The clarity, confidence, and connections will change you and how you run your business.

“Decades of experience has shown us that if we can challenge an owner to reflect, change, and improve, we arm them with greater clarity, skills, and connections to move their business forward. We take great care to connect a diverse group of business owners from a range of different industries who are looking to improve themselves and their business.”

Rob Douglas | Executive Director

Program Partners

Next Steps and More Information

Would you like more information, including program information, upcoming program dates, locations, fees, payment plans, etc.? Complete the form below for more information on the next screen, (the information will also be emailed to you for your convenience).

You can also schedule a phone call with the Program Director, Rob Douglas, using the link above to discuss how the program aligns with your current business situation and whether you and your business are right for the program. 

This is not a bums-on-seats program… We carefully select those who participate to ensure a committed, engaged and motivated group.