Alumni End of Year Catch Up

A great turnout at our Brisbane OMP Alumni End of Year Catch Up at McGuires, Paddington Tavern (OMP08). With 40 business owners in attendance from some of the earliest programs in 2015 (OMP04, – OMP08) right through to our most recent alumni in 2022 (OMP19 & OMP22), it was a great chance to connect and review the year.

Rob Douglas, Executive Director said “What is constantly amazing is that the group are all genuine owners of mid-sized businesses. There are no consultants or salespeople trying to sell their wares, it’s just business owners connecting and reviewing the year. It’s a really unique community.”  

The OMP Alumni network is an incredibly valuable resource for anyone who has completed the program, providing a wealth of support, advice, understanding, and opportunities to connect with like-minded business owners. 

“It’s great to see them doing business together. We have so many examples of owners collaborating on projects, using the network to gain introductions, or developing new products and services together. 

What is even more rewarding is seeing the personal development and change of the owners over time and the growth and progression of their businesses. Whether it is as simple as losing weight or opening new offices, it’s great to see the success,” Douglas said. 

With such an extensive range of industries represented, the OMP Alumni network is a great resource for OMP graduates to further their business moving forward. It becomes a central and ongoing part of the Owner Manager Program

Learn more about our Programs

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