From ad agency to creative problem solving: how GDJ marketing minds got ready to tackle their clients’ biggest business challenges

From ad agency

Having exposed their senior team to training & industry experts in the Australian Owner Manager Program, Melbourne creative agency GDJ evolved their processes & upskilled their team.

“We’ve now had a Director and three senior staff go through Australian Owner Manager programs and they have helped us align our focus & develop our key offerings for clients, particularly in the digital & social space.” said GDJ General Manager Cathy Grant.

On the most recent program GDJ senior staff completed projects that added real value to the business, including developing new services lines and an internal resource toolbox.

“It has given us a common language,” said OML participant Lou Spargo. “It has been fantastic. We’ve already found useful ways to have discussions back in the workplace and implement the things we have learnt on these programs.”

Lara Demopoulos, who also recently completed OML said “I’ve learnt to step outside of myself in the day to day and gain confidence. At first the project was daunting, but it rolled out smoothly and it is great to see the team getting insights and inspiration from the resource toolbox.”

“Our improved structure & can-do attitude has led to new business wins & most importantly, happy clients seeing real-world outcomes. We see ourselves now as creative problem solvers, rather than advertisers,” said Grant.

If you have a business problem that needs creative eyes on it, we’d recommend contacting GDJ.
Call Cathy Grant today on 0412 434 781 or visit

Learn more about our Programs

Click the button below to find out more about the various programs available to Owner Managers and Leaders in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland.

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