How often do you exercise your business muscle?

How Often do you Exercise your Business Muscle

Your business muscle refers to your ability to focus on strategic planning, creating systems and processes, identifying new opportunities, and managing your resources more effectively. The core muscle of your business so to speak.

It’s a muscle that many business owners can neglect. Sure, they hit the business treadmill every day, but is that getting you where you want to go?

To really see results you need to target your business muscle on a regular basis.

Most people refer to this as working ON your business, rather than in it. It’s a statement that gets tossed around a lot, but how do you do it and why is it so important to strike a balance?


What is the difference between working ON your business and working IN your business?

Working ON your business involves taking a step back and focusing on the big picture, such as developing strategies, improving systems and processes, and identifying new opportunities for growth.

On the other hand, working IN your business refers to the day-to-day tasks and operations that are necessary for the business to function. This could include tasks such as managing employees, looking after customers, creating, and delivering products or services, and handling administrative duties.

The main difference between these two approaches is the level of focus and perspective. Working ON your business requires a proactive strategic approach while working IN your business is focused on the reactive operational aspects of running a business.


Why is it so important to strike a balance between working ON your business and IN your business?

While both are important, it is critical to strike a balance between the two. Focusing solely on working IN the business can limit growth and hinder long-term success while ignoring day-to-day operations can lead to inefficiencies and disrupt the functioning of the business. A successful business owner must be able to effectively manage both aspects of their business to achieve their personal and business goals.


So, how should you exercise your business muscle?
  1. The first thing to do is acknowledge your business muscle needs a workout. Without this core muscle in top shape, the rest of your business will start to show signs of weakness. You need to make time to work ON your business. Just like physical exercise, most business owners recognise its importance.
  1. The hardest part of exercising is making it happen. Business ownership has a remarkable tendency to suck you into the day-to-day treadmill. To work ON the business you need to schedule it in the diary and structure the use of the time. It could be half a day a week scheduled for strategic priorities or an out-of-the-office retreat. Experience tells us if it’s not prioritised it won’t happen.
  1. Third, external assistance can really help. Just as exercising incorrectly can lead to long-term damage (in all scenarios!) and an exercise coach can dramatically improve your technique, we advise you to seek support. In a business environment, this could be in the form of a business coach, mentor, or business program, like the Owner Manager Program.
  1. Finally, be consistent with your training. Once you find the coach or program that works for you – keep at it! Consistency and accountability are key to your long-term business health as there will always be a tendency to get stuck on the day-to-day treadmill.

Do this right, and the next time someone walks into your business they will look around and say, “Wow, you must work out!”

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