OM Leadership Program


This past week we welcomed back the participants of the OM Leadership Program for Block 2 at Spicers Tamarind Retreat in Maleny. The program is designed for senior managers in private businesses, helping them to implement and executive the vision for the business.

Block 2 focuses on Managing and Measuring Performance and saw participants further develop their leadership and management skills, get challenged by a transformational 360 from Mike Allen at Livingstones, look at their personal effective and continue work on their Work Based Program projects.

“We have seen outstanding commitment to the program from the current leadership participants,” said Australian Owner Manager Executive Director Rob Douglas. “This group are undertaking some really creative projects that will give their businesses real and tangible benefits and an immediate return on their investment in developing their staff.”

One participant from a food manufacturing business is planning a new building based on LEAN principles that will see raw materials enter and fully processed foods exit ready for consumption. We also have several other participants who are using LEAN principles to undertake stock level analysis to avoid overordering and dead stock. While others are looking at LEAN in a construction environment. There are several other participants that are focused on reviewing recruitment and retention policies and practices – there is a big emphasis on attracting talented staff and then supporting them with ongoing training and ensuring they remain engaged in their work. Not surprising that finding and retaining staff is a key issue with unemployment at low levels. Finally some of others are looking at new office locations to support regional offering or new markets and revitalising under-utilised services.

The participants will return to Brisbane for the final block of the program in early December, where they will pitch their final project presentations to the business owner and project sponsor.

The next OM Leadership Program will kick off in Brisbane in February 2019. If you would like to be added to the waiting list to receive information about dates and receive first option on places email

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