“Not once was I bored or zoning out…”

Not once was I bored

The February 2018 Owner Manager Program got off to a cracking start as twenty-three successful owners of mid-sized businesses ($3m to $100m) from around Australia flew in to Brisbane to take part in the program. Some of the feedback from the first block included:

“Not once was I bored or zoning out”

It makes us pause and reflect on what that feedback actually means. To us it means the participants were engaged, the content was meaningful, the presenters and facilitators were entertaining and instructive. In each and every Owner Manager Program we see a group of adults who are actively listening, learning and contributing.

“An excellent first block in the bush, very professionally delivered… Already looking forward to round two…”


“Thanks Rob and the team for delivering real value to real business owners. Looking forward to learning more and networking more.”

From our perspective that is exactly that feedback we look to hear. These are a group of very sharp business owners. In no way do we think we hold all the knowledge, expertise or content that is going to move them and their business forward. What we do is follow a tried and tested process that is symbiotic – it extracts value and learning from the shared network in the room, the experts at the front, and the reflective approach that we follow.

Business is often about the “one percenters”, the small additions to current knowledge that make a significant impact. We can never tell what a person is going to get out of the program as everyone’s outcome is different. They bring their experience with them, we leverage that experience, add to it, and force them to evaluate where they are going and what they are doing in the context of their experience and external expertise.

And yet you wouldn’t believe how many times we hear from participants of the Owner Manager Program that this was the first program where the facilitators actually ‘got them’ and understood their businesses and the content was geared exactly to the needs of an Owner Manager.

From our perspective this kind of feedback is the reason we do what we do. We thrive on seeing the change, the improvement, the outcomes, all with great people along for a great journey. We are certainly looking forward to the journey with OMP9!

Learn more about our Programs

Click the button below to find out more about the various programs available to Owner Managers and Leaders in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland.

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