Stahmann Farm’s emergency equipment saved life

Stahmann Farm's emergency medical equipment

Ross Burling’s (OMP4) Stahmann Farm recently acquired a defibrillator, despite their workplace being located within five minutes of an ambulance station. That decision saved their employee Peter Brady’s life.

Stahmann Farms value adding supervisor Denise Ingleton said “We thought that because Stahmann Farms has an ambulance right around the corner it wasn’t far away but as they said at training, they (paramedics) might be able to get there in five minutes or they might be on a job,” she said.

“The more we thought about it, the more we thought yes, we should get one.

“We didn’t expect to have to use it so soon.” You can read the full article here.

Have you checked your first aid equipment, supplies and policies recently? It could make a world of difference to someone you work with or even yourself.

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