Owner Manager Exchange Highlights 2018

Exchange Highlights

It was great to see alumni from the past six years of the Australian Owner Manager Program return for “another dose” of OMP! These owners of mid-sized businesses returned for three days to step back, reflect, strategise and energise themselves to continue to grow and move their business forward.

Much of the three days was spent reflecting, discussing and challenging the current Leadership, Market, Offering, and Processes within the business. These discussions were based around the Business of International Quality (BIQ) barometer framework that was developed by the Icehouse in New Zealand.

The program featured guest speakers including Tom O’Toole, the baker from Beechworth. Tom spoke with the pure passion and enthusiasm that he brings to business and instantly connected with the business owners in the room. His insights into topics such as Leadership, Customer Service, Product Offerings, Community Engagement, and above all a passion for what you’re doing were supported by some great stories and yarns.

On the first evening of OMX the participants and facilitators reconnected and talked the night away on a relaxing cruise along the Gold Coast canals on a stunning $4million motor yacht.

On the final day we had an inspirational session with Lorin Nicholson — an award winning musician, motivational speaker, businessman, author… who also just happens to be blind. Lorin leads an incredible life and struck a chord with the group with this wise statement:

“The greatest mountain we climb in life, is the mountain inside ourselves” Lorin Nicholson

At Australian Owner Manager we so often see this with the owners of mid-sized businesses. It’s often principles of motivation, confidence, mindset, vision, wellbeing, and resilience that really make a difference. There are always negative opinions and daily challenges that cause self-doubts and undermine our confidence in what we are trying to achieve. It really opens your mind to the possibilities you are capable of when someone like Lorin speaks about how he has risen above the odds and achieved so much.

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